################################################# # Simple tools for Simbad batch jobs # # # # Developed by Min-Su Shin (Department of # # Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University) # ################################################# The bash shell scripts use curl command to submit the query files to Simbad. The default coordinate search radius is 6 arcsec in the Python code that produce query files. ---------------------------------------------------------- CASE I : when you have a small number of query coordinates, the following instruction works with the relevant codes. When you have a file coord.list that has three columns where the second and third columns are RA and DEC in degree, resepectively, (Step 1) ./simbad_query_builder.py coord.list > coord.query (Step 2) ./simbad_script_submit.sh coord.query coord.simbad (Step 3) ./simbad_query_postprocess.py coord.simbad coord.simbad.result Requirements: simbad_script_submit.sh uses the curl command. The change of any parts for your job is possible based on explanation of how Simbad understands your query which is given in http://simbad4.cfa.harvard.edu:8080/simbad/sim-help?Page=sim-fscript WARNING : the script mode of Simbad limits the number of query objects. ---------------------------------------------------------- CASE II : when you have to query a substational number of objects to Simbad, the following codes split the queries into several pieces and extract the query results. (Step 1) ./simbad_query_builder_split.py coord.list_long simbad_query (Step 2) ./simbad_script_submit_split.sh simbad_query simbad_result_part (Step 3) ./simbad_query_postprocess_split.py simbad_result_part 5 simbad_result where 5 is the number of query files.